It’s all about people

Business Awards

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs.

MyTrucking is a software system, but it’s more than clever technology, MyTrucking is people helping people to do their job in a simple, smarter and more efficient way.

No business can run without people. When we think about people we think about you, our customer – the people who use MyTrucking – but we also include our team, the people who build and support MyTrucking.

While we are a software company, we recognise that people use software and we strive to bring the human touch to what we offer. Our software is designed with the customer in mind, and how they will use it.

Just as your business relies on people, so do we, so we thought it would be a great time to introduce some of the team behind the scenes, those who build and support MyTrucking and keep the engine running smoothly.

Nat Beckham, Business Development Manager

  • What attracted you to the company? My inner nerd was attracted to MyTrucking because it’s a really good piece of software! The other main attractions for me were working for a kiwi-owned, family business where you’re not just an employee, you’re part of the family. Working alongside an industry I’m passionate about, I’m not sure there’s another industry that works as hard as those in the transport game. And going to truck shows. It ticked all the boxes and was a no brainer for me.
  • What does your job entail? Road trips! I’m usually out and about meeting people and learning how their business operates, showing those looking for a user-friendly job management system how MyTrucking works and visiting customers to help them get the most out of their MyTrucking subscription. And more often than not, a quick cuddle with the office dog too.
  • Favourite MyTrucking feature? Can I only choose one? Umm ok, it would probably be the custom reports, they are so easy to use and having all the data at your fingertips takes the guess work away. There’s that inner nerd again lol.
  • Best thing about working for MyTrucking? There are so many things! Definitely the people though, we have an awesome team with a family vibe. The businesses we work with are the same, down to earth, genuine good people.


Nikola Berryman, Customer Success Manager

  • What attracted you to the company? I was working for a Livestock Transporter in Australia when I came across MyTrucking, we then called in to see Sam and Sara on a family trip to New Zealand. I was instantly drawn to the Orsborns and what solutions they were offering the transport industry. Not to mention the Wairarapa looked like an amazing place to live.
  • What does your job entail? I look after the trialling of our software journey. When a potential customer signs up for a free trial, they get me helping them set-up and figure out solutions to their problems and sort out their requirements.
  • Favourite MyTrucking feature? I think for me coming from a bookkeeping background, the Xero and Myob Integrations are my favourite feature. MyTrucking gathers all the data, and then invoices are generated in these accounting programs like magic.
  • Best thing about working for MyTrucking? The best things for me are:
    • Great office space in the country
    • Being able to live and work in the Wairarapa
    • Our customer base are great to deal with. They’re all hard working, down to earth people, and quite often funny characters
    • We get yummy fresh fruit supplied each week
    • The company put a strong emphasis on mental health, and wellness
    • Very understanding about flexibility needed for family and life commitments
    • We have a fun team
    • We have great mid-year, and Christmas do


Ivan Bozich, Head of Development

  • What attracted you to the company? I have lived fulltime in the Wairarapa for nearly five years, and was doing ‘the commute’ to the Wellington CBD for work.  I was looking to better balance my lifestyle and the opportunity came up to talk with Sam and Sara about an opportunity to grow MyTrucking’s technical development capability. MyTrucking is a huge success both here in NZ and internationally, and the time is right grow our ability to add significant new features quickly.  We are ambitious, and the potential for growth is enormous!
  • What does your job entail? I work alongside a talented team of developers and designers.  I’m here to help make their jobs easier by evolving our processes and tools to allow them to spend more time designing and developing features. I’m also focusing on team growth, looking to recruit and arrange ‘partnerships’ so we can scale up when needed. My role means I work within our leadership team, so help shape our business moving forward, focusing on strategy and planning.
  • Favourite MyTrucking feature? Simplicity!  Our solution makes it easy for our customers to use.


Martin Hunter, Technology Lead, Innovation Team

  • What attracted you to the company?  I have worked in IT for just over 23 years, mainly in large corporates, and government departments. In the last few years I have been looking for a change and to work with a small-to-medium sized company with a fresh, modern product and a close, professional team. MyTrucking fitted the bill perfectly and is a local Wairarapa company to boot!
  • What does your job entail? Technology leadership, product solution architecture, team, technology and method mentoring, product delivery.
  • Favourite MyTrucking feature? I love the versatile reporting and the highly integrated nature of the system – Xero, MYOB, ERoad etc. – we’re always looking for new integrations to make our customer’s lives easier.
  • Best thing about working for MyTrucking? The team. It’s also very refreshing to be able to talk to Sam and Sara (the owners) and get decisions made quickly and effectively.


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5th Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…

Not avail yet

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $85 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $50 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

4th Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $75 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $45 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

3rd Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…


  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $70 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $40 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

2nd Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $65 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $35 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

1st Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $50 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $35 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

One price model, just three rules…

1st Gear

$50/vehicle for first 5 vehicles.

Additional vehicles
per vehicle/month

Online training & support
No setup fee, & FREE for 14 days
Mobile Driver App
Unlimited users & drivers
Unlimited jobs
Simple Reporting
Unlimited clients & customers
Auto Pricing
Integrated Invoicing
Phone Support
Rate Cards
Inter MT
Cost Rate
Customer Portal
Calendar View
Advanced Reporting
Show all

Select the number of vehicles you have...

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $50 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $35 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.