Kim Bish – Victoria, AUS

As a bookkeeper and logistics manager for several freight transport companies, Kim Bish values the time MyTrucking has saved her, and the businesses she works for.

Malleetrans Logo

Kim Bish

Kim works remotely as the bookkeeper and logistics manager for Bath Transport and Malleetrans.

Both companies are in the freight business. Malleetrans is an owner/driver company with one truck, while Bath Transport has three trucks and drivers but also subcontracts up to nine other trucks.

Kim is employed by Bath Transport and contracts to Malleetrans. A normal day usually starts with Kim contacting the drivers to touch base and make sure they’ve got off to a good start for the day. She then works on logistics for the next week. As we all know, in the transport game, things are often changing. She also does her invoicing and bookkeeping roles.

Cashflow Tips

How was the workflow previously managed?

“Spreadsheet, all manual. There seemed to be a lot of double handling, for sure, and when you double handle figures and booking numbers, mistakes are more easily made.”

What issues needed to be resolved?

“Because I work from home, MyTrucking is a lot easier in that they upload their weigh bridge dockets straight into the system, and I can see that and bill it out.

“Before, I would wait until the weekend and they would drop their work around to me and I’d manually check to make sure the weigh bridge numbers were right. It was a lot more time consuming and a lot more delayed in invoicing work.”

MyTrucking Transport Industry Associations

The Solution


  • Spreadsheets and double handling of information
  • Room for error
  • Time consuming
  • Delayed invoicing


  • No double handling of figures, reducing errors
  • Time saving
  • Timely invoicing
  • Clear picture of what is happening for the week.

Why MyTrucking?

Bath Transport had MyTrucking and Malleetrans, who often works with Bath Transport, saw the benefits of the software and jumped on board too. “They could see the benefits of not duplicating work and making things more streamlined.”

Kim says MyTrucking seemed to be the simplest and most user-friendly option available. “We didn’t want anything complicated and it needed to be easy enough for the drivers so that it wasn’t a drag. It’s just so easy.”

How easy was it switching to MyTrucking?

“Very easy. Also, I wasn’t afraid to have a go. It was set out in such a way that it was logical and I could understand it. I found it easy to have a go and try it out. And if I didn’t know how to do something, I’d just message MyTrucking and they’d call or email to offer a solution or tell me how to do it.”

Where has MyTrucking helped most?

“The time factor, definitely, the mundane time factor.”

What are the key benefits that MyTrucking provides?

“It stopped all the double handling and reduced manual errors significantly. The time it has saved for the companies is quite a bit, and I think being able to see everything set out in front of you for what’s coming up, the way it’s scheduled, that’s beneficial.”

Using MyTrucking in conjunction with Xero is very valuable to Kim in her bookkeeping and invoicing role, particularly at busy times of the year like grain harvest season, when everyone is flat out. Everything happens much faster now.

“I also encourage all our subcontractors to go on MyTrucking now as it’s so easy to email them a spreadsheet of their weekly schedule rather than texting or calling – they just have it.”

Is MyTrucking right for you?

MyTrucking is designed to assist transport operators with job management workflow.

Do you have a fleet of 2 plus trucks, and too much paperwork?

Need software to manage job scheduling through to your invoicing?

Want simple and accurate communication with your drivers?

5th Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…

Not avail yet

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $85 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $50 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

4th Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $75 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $45 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

3rd Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…


  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $70 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $40 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

2nd Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $65 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $35 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

1st Gear Calculator

One price model, just three rules…

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $50 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $35 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.

Select the number of vehicles you have...

One price model, just three rules…

1st Gear

$50/vehicle for first 5 vehicles.

Additional vehicles
per vehicle/month

Online training & support
No setup fee, & FREE for 14 days
Mobile Driver App
Unlimited users & drivers
Unlimited jobs
Simple Reporting
Unlimited clients & customers
Auto Pricing
Integrated Invoicing
Phone Support
Rate Cards
Inter MT
Cost Rate
Customer Portal
Calendar View
Advanced Reporting
Show all

Select the number of vehicles you have...

  • Rule 1

    First 5 vehicles is $50 per vehicle / month.

  • Rule 2

    Every additional vehicle is $35 per vehicle.

  • Rule 3

    Only pay for vehicles used per month.*

* Rule 3 means, you can enter as many vehicles as you like – you’ll only pay for the vehicles you actually USE in a billing month. (ie jobs assigned to them), and includes sub-contractors.

Minimum fee $65 per month

Pricing is in Australian dollars, excludes GST, and is current as of March 2024.